Sunday, November 15, 2009

Analyze this poem please?

Leaves Compared With Flowers by Robert Frost

A tree's leaves may be ever so good,

So may its bar, so may its wood;

But unless you put the right thing to its root

It never will show much flower or fruit.

But I may be one who does not care

Ever to have tree bloom or bear.

Leaves for smooth and bark for rough,

Leaves and bark may be tree enough.

Some giant trees have bloom so small

They might as well have none at all.

Late in life I have come on fern.

Now lichens are due to have their turn.

I bade men tell me which in brief,

Which is fairer, flower or leaf.

They did not have the wit to say,

Leaves by night and flowers by day.

Leaves and bar, leaves and bark,

To lean against and hear in the dark.

Petals I may have once pursued.

Leaves are all my darker mood.

What is it about and are there any morals or secret meanings/symbolism. please and ty

Analyze this poem please?
dude! you don't get it? (lol,pretty ironic how i use the term "dude" and i can understand it) but yea,it compares leaves (made out to be ugly) to flowers (made out to be beautiful).

"Which is fairer, flower or leaf.

They did not have the wit to say,

Leaves by night and flowers by day"

as if to say that leaves are better heard at dark as flowers are better seen by day =]

possibly the poet's trying to say that the "ugly" in this world is supposed to be heard and not seen,as the flowers are to do the,but then again...what do i know? i'm just a teen xD

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